
Monday, December 10, 2012

Week In Pictures 32.0

1  I made my own crocheted Christmas banner which took me a while but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.  Not bad for just crochet-winging it...if that's even such a thing.

2  Time to get some "healthy" snacks.  These weren't so bad actually.  What's your favorite thing to snack on?

3  Happy with her holiday t-shirt

4  Squid display at the local museum lobby.  How much calamari would that make?!

5  Passed by downtown/Yale after the museum.  It was a pretty day.

6  By Friday I was already counting down the minutes to the end of the work day.  Yea, it was that kind of a week.

7  Blogger meet-ups are always fun.  Here's Megan of Closet Fashionista taking some outfit pics.  Check out her acrobatic moves!  Go Megan!

8  Nordstrom shopping ornament at where else, Nordstrom (I didn't buy it).

9 [This is supposed to be #8]  Enjoying the end of a great day with tea in my new owl holiday mug and some decadent peppermint bark from Lydia.

How was your week?


  1. Woohoo, all in all it seems like a loverly week! (especially Saturday ;) )

  2. I love the nordstrom ornament, and that photo of meg is too funny!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. I am so hesitant to purchase "healthy snacks" because they taste like paper. But my current fave is air popped pop corn (I got a HK air popper just a few days ago) with powdered flavorings! SOOOOO GOOD.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  4. I love your Christmas banner! And I'm so sad I missed the blogger meetup...looks like you guys had an awesome time :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. How cute is your pup in her holiday shirt?!?!?!?

    Rachel’s Lookbook

  6. That banner is adorable! And I really like the mug! I'm such an owl lovin nut!


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