
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Don't Really Need Anything

When I go to the Asian store, I probably just need one thing and sometimes nothing in mind.  Once I get inside, list goes out the door.  Ok it probably applies to any store for me.  I just can't help it.  If I haven't had something in a long time, I may want to get it.  If it looks interesting, I may just get it for kicks and try it.  I'm the type who wants to try anything at least once.  I ended up getting a bag of rice, Vitasoy soy drink (so yummy), some guavas, and the Vietnamese rice cakes.  Have you ever seen anything at the grocery store and just bought it because it looks interesting, or you've seen it on television, or heard it was good?
sweet rice cakes / Vietnamese style
the pastry case.  so many to choose from
ripe papayas
Korean pickled radish
rice cake / Korean style
I've had mung bean cake but not with durian.  
so many different juices. yum.
every type of noodle
can't miss the snack aisle
a whole section for ramen


  1. Great post! We love your blog. And, super nice header you got there!! :)

    Follow your blog for sure!

    MLU the blog.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and thanks for the follow :)

  2. I can totally relate. A quick stop for a couple ingredients can turn into nearly 1/2 hr and a full shopping cart.

    dee Cuisine

  3. Those sweet rice cakes are making me hungry - they look SO good :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. I always go to the store for one item and walk out with 20 things! everything looks delicious :)

  5. I am there with you. Asian food stores always have me leaving with more goodies than I intended. And sometimes planning to go to another Asian food store, because the one I was at didn't have the goodies that I know are sold at another one (sesame balls, fried plantains, better produce, Filipino pastries)... I get weak-kneed and financially irresponsible when in an Asian food store. :)

    1. Wished that there were Asian stores that carry more Filipino food than Mama Sitas around here... Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Oh seriously, forget it when I'm at the Asian grocery store... I come back with everything. Mostly things I love that I can't find here easily, but other things that just look good or interesting always end up in the basket, too.

    1. That's definitely a great justification...not being able to find it at a regular grocery store!

  7. They say you should never shop hungry... you can account for your stomach, but never your eyes!
    Chic on the Cheap

  8. your post is interesting because I'd love to try out some of these things! One time years ago I ate something in Chinatown that I tried because I was with a friend and she said it was good. I haven't been able to find it (I don't know what it's called) ever since.. !

  9. the all familiar asian food stuff. I think nothing about it cuz we see them everyday, it's when we don;t see them anymore that they becomes priceless.


  10. Those pastries.. NOM.



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