
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grown Up Friendship Bracelets

I was at Target a month ago and saw this pretty necklace displayed in the jewelry section of the store.  Not sure how much it was, but I don't think I had the urge to purchase it.  However, if you know me very well, you know that I would definitely say "hmm, I could make that".  

Things I had handy: rope, glue, jewelry making tools, scissors, end caps, chain, embroidery floss, clasp and wire not pictured

I started with my project and it reminded me of the time when I used to make friendship bracelets with embroidery floss.  I know that most of you remember that.  I still see a lot of people wearing them too.  I decided that instead of making a necklace, I wanted to make a "grown up friendship bracelet".  It just so happens that I had everything I needed.

 I'm pretty pleased with how it came out.  I am kind of disappointed how the ends got messy with the glue.

My end result.  These will be added to my bracelet collection.
Have you ever been to a store and said..."hmm I can make that" and ended up making something the same or similar at home?  What was it?  Do share.


  1. I'm pretty hopeless at being crafty and pulling of DIY stuff...but you are amazingly awesome at it!

    Courtney ~

  2. These bracelets you made are so cute- color me impressed! :)

  3. WOW you are good !
    I usually don't have enough patience to complete projects.

  4. well arent you crafty!

    Stop by & enter my eShakt Giveaway!

  5. I have a list of "I can make that" on my computer but never really get around to trying to make it! Those bracelets look great !

  6. Seriously, you are so cool! Yours look so much better than mine :/ So cute though!!

  7. No I've never said that, as I'm not as talented as you. But now I can say..."HMM Christine can make that for me." Hahaha! RIGHT??

  8. christine, those bracelets are fabulous! I've been figuring out how to make the necklace ones for a while now... just haven't had time to sit down and do so!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  9. Wow this is so cool! And so easy to make. Three of my close friends have birthdays in June...this might be the perfect gift! Thanks!


  10. Ohhh these came out great!
    I have definitely done that -- the pink skirt I made is a clone of something I'd been lusting after from ModCloth...
    Chic on the Cheap

  11. great job Christine, they look gorgeous and as good as the original design. Yes, I am always figuring out how to make my own so I don['t need to buy something I see at the store. Sometimes the store people will look at me so suspiciously because I was examining the items so closely...haha


  12. You did a great job with the bracelets! There is not a crafty bone in my body... LOL! All of my projects turn out terrible.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  13. I just saw that necklace! Have to say, I like your bracelet version better. Cooler colors and clasps!

  14. Those are SO pretty! I wish I was half as crafty as you are :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. Those are SO pretty! I wish I was half as crafty as you are :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  16. Ooh it came out so great!!! I need to steal my moms embroidery floss to make bracelets. I used to make stuff all the time :)

  17. I wish I had your skills! Sometimes I do that with clothing, but my jewelry making skills are minimal. You are so creative, I admire that!

  18. I definitely like these WAY better than regular friendship bracelets, awesome job!

  19. People now also like to buy mini friendship bracelets and turning them into rings, as it looks more pretty.


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