
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hello My Name Is

I was pretty excited when I had the great opportunity to go to a Yelp Hartford Elite Squad event.  I took my plus one (hubby) with me and went over to Griff's Chicken Shack where Yelp Hartford had the Night of the Yelping Dead: Southern Comfort event.  Griff's famed chicken tenders [yelper mistake - didn't take pictures of the food!! argh!]  and their various of sauces from fiery hot to sweet and tangy was on the spotlight and it definitely was worth an encore.  While the portions were small, it was enough to want my husband and I to go back sometime in the future and try the "for real" portion.  There were also Halloweenie treats like cheesy spider bites and brownies decorated for the event.  Along with some refreshing libations perfect for the season -  they had some pear and apple hard ciders to try.  It was definitely a spooktacular event - even with zombie makeup artists and a caricaturist.  We didn't stay for the whole shindig because it was a weekday..yeah we're boring..haha However we did have a fun time and even met some cool people.  If you'd like to check out more pictures especially of some zombified Yelp Elites..check this out.  Yes, I did check in.

The sauces...sorry about the missing food pics!
gotta love freebies
fill in the blanks..


  1. Ooh, that sounds like so much fun!! :D Gotta love all the swag too

  2. ooooh, how fun, Christine! too bad you didn't take more food photos because sauce just doesn't do it for me. hehe. ;)
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  3. That event sounds husband yelps the heck out of everything :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. haha, that sounds like a pretty fun event (and really, why must they always do things on week nights?)
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. Your last couple posts have me thinking I really need to get out more. The events you are attending sound so fun and interesting.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights


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