
Monday, November 12, 2012

Week In Pictures 28.0

1.  Halloween came and went, but this year I couldn't resist buying some candy that was on sale.  
This one just won me over.

2.  I was pretty proud of showing off my voting sticker.  I stayed in line for about 30 minutes 
before work and am pretty proud that I used my privilege to vote.

3.  Happy voted too...for more treats!

4.  It's was definitely time for making some hats.  When I made one I always use my handy dandy styrofoam head.

5.  There were murmurs of a nor'easter but the weatherman assured us that we would only get rain and a light dusting of snow.  Boy was he wrong.

6.  The next day turned out to be a snow day and I treated myself to a latte and finally got my "red cup".

7.  Experimenting a new hat pattern.

8.  Saw this cup at the craft store - I think I'm in love.

9.  Yep folks I spent most of my Sunday in bed and non-functioning again.  
Let's hope this (whatever it is) doesn't last too long.  I'm tired about being sick!

How was your week?


  1. oh no christine! I hope you feel better soon! EAT LOTS OF SPICY SOUP!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  2. glad to see that both you and happy took the time to vote - and i hope you are feeling better soon!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. Great photos! Yay for voting and Starbucks red cups, and your new hat looks SO cute & cozy :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. "I'm crafty and I know it"?! So cute! Hope you are feeling better soon!


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