
Monday, February 4, 2013

Week In Pictures 40.0

1  I opened my office on Monday and found it decorated!! Kind of reminds me of a cruise.  Yeah, I'm due for a vacation.

2  I got on the band wagon and joined everyone who signed up for their Vine accounts on Instagram.  So far I only have one video of Happy.

3  Speaking of Happy, a week is not complete without this little pup sitting pretty on her bed full of toys.  Can you tell which one is her favorite toy right now?

4  More presents from my sister came in the mail!! Kale chips!  I've always wanted to try them.

5  It's been a while since I've had some yummy arugula pizza and it was delicious!

6  My Mama made my favorite noodle dish for me.  

7  Ended the week with a hurrah with falafel over salad and tahini with hummus on the side.

8  Stopped at a thrift store and left empty handed.  Can you believe that? haha
I did find this desk and chair and took me back to elementary school.

9  By the time Sunday came, everyone else was excited about the Super Bowl whereas I was excited I picked up my childhood favorite plum candy at the Asian store.  I must say that I did enjoy Beyonce's performance and she did rock it.  Plus when Kelly and Michelle joined her for some back in the day was pretty cool.  Just wished they sang my favorite Destiny's Child song "Say My Name".

How was your week?


  1. wish i could join vine!! but i have a droid..

    Sandy a la Mode

  2. Oh, so Vine is for videos?
    I'm going to be honest here, when I look at instgram photos I maybe give each one half a second, unless I like it and then it gets 1 to 3 seconds of my time.

    I'm following too many people to invest anymore time into photos of breakfast.

    so videos? are you kidding me? I'll go old and grey trying to keep up.

    Rant over. I want your falafel. Lets go to mamouns.

  3. What a week, haha...lots of food ;)
    I love Asian candy, but I like the panda cookies with chocolate in them best ;)
    I'm going to pass on the Vine thing too, I just have too much stuff going on to keep up with another social media thing, haha...

  4. hmm... vine sounds interesting but i wonder if it will work with an android --- will have to look into it!

    this sunday, the hubby went out for some grocery and i had him buy us a box of migoreng noodles. a box!!! that will last about 3 weeks... not even. i love me those noodles!


  5. omg haw flakes. I love those, especially the huger ones! addictive.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  6. I love falafels so much! I joined Vine, which was quite a surprise myself since I am not a video sharing type of person, but we'll see, only a few posted as of yet. @ladyofashion :) /Madison

  7. I love Happy's bed full of toys - so cute! And I LOVE "Say My Name"...such a good one :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. Isn't it great when your mom makes your favorite dish?

  9. That pizza looks so yummy.

    We signed up for Vine too but haven't made a video yet. Plan on tackling that task in the next few days. I just haven't had time to learn the Vine's ropes yet.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights


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