
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It's only been several days since the horrific explosions during the Boston Marathon happened and I am still in disbelief how something so tragic could happen during one of the most celebrated days in the city.  It's been a long time since I lived there, but it still holds a special place in my heart.  My thoughts and prayers goes out to those affected by the event and to the city and residents of Boston.

My friend Haley of The Zen of Making made this special badge to support Boston.
If you'd like to show you love you can get the badge here.


  1. It feels like the tragedies just keep stacking up, each more upsetting than the last.

  2. Yea...this is so scary...what is the world coming to? :(

  3. I was watching this on the news just after it happened and all I could feel was awful for all those affected. So sad that these tragedies keep occurring.

  4. I think a part of me that will always feel stunned by this tragedy, and the irrevocable changes to the victims and their families. It is hopeful and amazing to see the outpouring of support though :)


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