
Monday, May 6, 2013

Week In Pictures 53.0

1  Spring is definitely in the air, so it was definitely time to bring out the colored pants.

2  I am trying to get my gold card...I still have a long way to go!

3  It was a nice surprise to get snail mail from Tracy of Sunny Days and Starry Nights.

4 & 5 Happy's before and after photo.  It always amazes me how different she looks; from poofy bear to little miss prissy.

6  Here's happy with just some of her best doggie buds; Soda and Darling.

7  A trip to Korea Town in Queens led us to this amazing bakery.  Chocolate Bread? Oh yes.

8  Our little family photo.

9  United Way sent me a voucher for two free ice creams at a local ice cream shop for donating.   
Thanks United Way, it was a sweet treat.

How was your week?
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  1. really? I've had my gold card for like, three years. Maybe I just go to starbucks too much :)

    chocolate bread sounds yummy, and these are some cute little trios!

  2. Happy is such an adorable little dog. I agree now that it is Spring it is time to get plenty of use out of colored pants. I just purchased a pair of green pants a couple weeks ago and I'm eyeing a new pink pair too.


  3. I love those colored pants :) Aaand lots of doggies this week, ha ha :)


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