It was a cold and chilly Monday morning. Usually I would be off to work like usual, but not this particular Monday. I had a great opportunity to attend The Martha Show! I had no idea what the show was about, but really I didn't care was The Martha Show! Even though I've seen it before, I was still excited because I was sure that it will be a different experience than the last.
L: It was a great drive into New York City. Plus, I made it in record time for a weekday!
R: Passed by the studio.

Inside, getting our tickets.
The ticket...we were wondering what the pink highlight meant.
The studio is just as how it was before. We were pretty much in front of the kitchen part. That's what the pink highlight meant on the ticket.
We found out that the show will be all about sandwiches. These ladies were prepping a 6foot sub, with a different type of sandwich for each foot. Everyone in the studio was hoping the audience would be able to taste a piece.
Another picture of the kitchen.
One day I'd like to have a color coordinated kitchen.
My cousin (L) and I (R) sitting in the front row!!
Once the show started we had to put our cameras away. There were six segments, and five of them were about making sandwiches with guests from local New York restaurants. An audience member even made a sandwich with Martha! Lucky girl! With that said, the craft room in her studio wasn't used at all for the show...bummer. I really wanted to see something crafty. Anyway, here's a few pictures of Martha, who was pretty much three feet away from where we were sitting.
Just in case you were curious, the episode is called "Sensational Sandwiches" will air on Friday, January 13 on the Hallmark Channel at 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM EST. If you see me...let me know!
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