1 A Filipino pastry usually made/eaten during the holidays. Thank goodness I have my Mama who can make these for me.
2 Prepping before the night out with homemade egg rolls from Auntie will start a party any day.
3 Fruity adult beverage made by my cousin which will make anyone think about being at a clear water and white sandy beach somewhere in the Caribbean.
4 Last minute decisions means last minute outfit prep. When it came down to it, comfort was key. Too bad I didn't think that way when I picked my shoes!
5 Miles and miles of slots at the casino - which I didn't touch at all.
6 Waiting in line with my sequined skirt.
7/8 Party props for the occasion given out to everyone.
9 Big stage in front of the big 2013 for everyone to see. When I say everyone..I mean everyone at the casino.
All good things come to an end, which goes for 2012. I rang in the new year with a last minute trip to the casino with my family with big plans of hanging out at a new lounge area. It seemed like millions of people had the same idea. The lines for some weak adult beverages were long, lots of elbows and other body parts being shoved because of lack of space, and standing room only with four inch heels were not as fun as we all thought but we tried to make the best of it. Venturing off to the main DJ space would've been a great idea if the rest of the casino crowd wasn't there. Needless to say I realized I definitely have claustrophobia...and I realized it in a BAD way. Thank goodness my sister who is practically a nurse in May was there to get me out of there. Phew! At least I heard Gangnam Style before it all went down..heh. I can laugh about it now hours later. All of that excitement is enough for me to last a few months, but with my birthday coming up in a few weeks I might have to rest up to make sure that I have enough energy for more celebrating. Too bad that right now all the celebrating I want is to be spent on the couch.
You are brave, I never would have gone to the casino haha....but it looks like it was fun XD
NYE is just one of those holidays - no wonder everyone needs to get really drunk, I mean just to deal with being elbow to elbow, toes being stepped on - a weak drink won't cut it!
Hope you had a restful new years day and are ready for a new year!
Chic on the Cheap
Which outfit did you end up choosing? Good thing there's instagram for helping you select the best outfit!
Love seeing that lumpia pic *drool*
tell me about it..!! i was pretty much melted into my (boy friend's) couch, too! .___.
food coma & worn out from merriment. lol.
HAPPY 2013~!!!
That drink looks amazing and so do your sequins! Happy New Year Christine :)
The Other Side of Gray
Ohhh someone got sparkly for New Year's Eve! I just realized mine was devoid of all the traditional silly New Year things like hats and noisemakers... I kind of miss those!
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